Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Expansion of your internal/vital/pranic body through the practice of Yoga

When we practice Yoga, our internal body expands beyond the boundaries of the physical body, we create space inside and promote the flow of prana - the vital force. This in tern allows us to open up and allow ourselves to receive more positive events in our life, promotes emotional and physical balance and peace, all this leading to happier life.

A beautiful illustration of the expansion of the internal/vital/pranic body is the shadow on the floor on the images below - a magical reflection of the physical body during Yoga practice:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Anaadi - what is it?

Anaadi is a sanscrit word that means Eternal, something without a beginning and an end.

Eternal, unbroken happiness and peace is what I aspire for my students to realise in their life trough Yoga. This notion is in the core of my Yoga teachings and practice and I use a combination of Asanas, Pranayama, Relaxation, Meditation, Visualisation and advice on healthy diet to facilitate the journey to Self Realisation.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Kayoga at the Mangroves with Noukhada Adventure Company


Noukhada and Anaadi Yoga have teamed up to provide a rejuvenating Kayoga experience.

Kayoga is a combination of Kayaking and Yoga practice that complement each other at many levels. Yoga helps strengthening and balancing the body and improves concentration and awareness - all playing a major role for a good Kayaking practice. Kayaking on the other hand takes you on a magical journey away from the city - into the Mangroves where only birds and wildlife can be seen and heard – the ideal location for a relaxing Yoga session.

We start our Kayoga with gentle but powerful upper body stretch, balancing and aligning the body posture, and short Pranayama (breathing) practice. This helps loosen up the stiffness around the neck and shoulders, prepares the arms and core for the paddling and improves the body balance in the kayak.

The practice of Pranayama is a fundamental part of Kayoga because it calms the mind, promotes concentration, clear thinking and fast decision making essential in critical situations. It also reduces tiredness and fatigue and enables us to paddle longer distance without stopping.

Equipped with the basic Yoga concepts, we jump into the kayaks and head towards the remote island in the Mangroves where the main Yoga practice is held.

The one hour Hatha Yoga practice is designed to strengthen the body, improve flexibility, moisturise the joints, massage the internal organs, boost the digestion and absorption of nutrients, eliminate toxins and impurities from the body, bring the awareness to the present moment and completely rejuvenate and revitalise the body and mind. We finish the Yoga class in Shavasana (corps pose) where guided visualisation and meditation are used to release brain chemicals that act as natural brain tranquilizers - lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety/stress levels.

Yogis and non-yogis of all levels are welcome, no previous experience is required since the practice will be done in a way that asanas (yoga poses) will be thought at different levels - gentle for beginners and challenging for more advanced practitioners.

Ensure that you wear comfortable and stretchy clothing, yoga mats will be provided, however you can bring your own if you wish.


Days: Every Friday at 08:00hrs

Duration: 2 hrs (50% paddling/ 50% yoga)

Price: 170 AED per person

Children - this is not for small children but children 15 years and above, accompanied by their parents, are fine.

A tour starts with a minimum of 4 people but is open to others to join.

If you have less than 4 people, please look at our calender to see what tours are available for you to join.